The lady of the house, 1890. If your great great amma worked as a domestic she worked for this lady or her friends.
When the 285 Icelandic settlers of 1875 arrived in Winnipeg, around 50 of them who were able to find work stayed in the city. Little did they know how good a decision that would become.
Uno von Troil: cattle
Uno von Troil says
Laxness: Bj
There were no psychiatrists in Shakespear
Saving or heritage: clothes
Will Paradise Be Reclaimed?
Get ready for Obama to face off with Romney. Two outsiders contesting the position of president of the most powerful nation on earth. When Jack Kennedy was going to run for president, there were many who said, he couldn
Icelandic bachelors
The Dinner Party, Trollope, Reykjavik, 1878
The Economics of Halldor Laxness
In The Fish Can Sing, Halldor Laxness presents through the narrator
One True Note, Laxness
Intergalactic Resurrection
The title of this edition which is called Under the Glacier instead of Christianity Under Glacier offends me.
It offends me in the same way that the White House calling a Christmas tree a holiday tree offends me. The titles of books are usually chosen by marketing departments. The author has little, or even, no say in the title. Nor do his descendants. I assume that Kristanhald Under J