Monthly Archives: September 2013
The Last of the Pioneers
Once, they were myriad. You found them everywhere. Icelanders having kaffi and kleinar, passionately discussing politics or religion, reciting poetry, the state of the crops, the weather. All of it, of course, in Icelandic. That sing song language was heard in stores, on streets, in homes.
At first, of course, it was the original settlers who began to disappear into places like Brookside cemetery. Go to the cemetery and you will find gravestones with Icelandic names. My father
On Losing Icelandic
There were good reasons for our immigrant great grandparents and grandparents not wanting their children to learn Icelandic.
All you have to do is read some books about how immigrants were treated. The stories are disheartening. The racism, tribalism, and prejudice was overwhelming. Comments about immigrants in the newspapers are shocking.
Icelanders, when they first came to Canada, were not considered equal to people from the UK. Icelanders were not
Four weeks. A long time? A short time? Not enough time?
My former colleague, Dave Godfrey (, sent an email to say that having a triple bypass must have been frightening.
Shocking, yes. Frightening, no. No time to be frightened.
It was a sunny day. All was right with the world. I went to see my GP for a seven minute appointment. It was about something minor, a bashed toe or something. Then he said, how are you doing? And I said, fine, no problems except I