Monthly Archives: November 2013
The Moveable Feast
My Irish Grandfather
When I was little, he sat me on his knee and recited Master McGraw. I grew up listening to BBC news with him. He always listened to news from the Old Country. He taught me cribbage and, in the evenings, he always had time to play two or three games with me, always sharing strategy with me. He and my grandmother taught me to play bridge early and many an evening, we played three handed bridge.
Sometimes, he and my great uncle, took me to the country with them when they went to hunt grouse. It was then that I saw why my grandfather had been considered a great shot. He bagged grouse at distances I would have thought impossible. He took his shooting skill to France in 1915 and was both a sniper and machine gunner. Because of his ability with a machine gun, he was asked to be a gunner on an airplane. He declined. He said that tail gunner
Randy Bachman on Salt Spring
Ashern Icelanders
Janet LeBlancq
Story “Funeral Processions” from I know how I got this way
Janet LeBlancq, in spite of her French name, has an Icelandic background. She spent most of her early years in Ashern, Manitoba with her mother, grandfather and grandmother.
Book review: I know how I got this way
One of the joys of being a writer and editor is the unexpected pieces of writing that drift in from the mail slot. One of these, sent by Jim Anderson, the proprietor of Jim Anderson Books, his business that buys and sells books and ephemera and collections of papers to do with the Icelandic North American community (or Iceland), is I know how I got this way by Janet LeBlancq.
This 32 page collection of reminiscences of