Uno von Troil says
Icelandic farm workers, 1772
In 1774, Uno von Troil wrote about how Icelanders were employed. They principally fish and take care of cattle.
In both summer and winter, they fish. When they return home after having cleaned their fish, they give them to their wives to dry them. During the winter, when the weather is so bad they can
Icelandic hardships, von Troil, 1772
Besides the calamities caused by cold summers, icebergs, unseasonal storms, von Troil say that other calamities occur that make the life of Icelanders difficult.
Polar bears arrive every year and kill sheep. The Icelanders, as soon as they see a polar bear, get together and drive them away. Because they don
Agriculture in 1772, Iceland, von Troil
Just in case anyone has thoughts about how their ancestors must not have been very good at agriculture and if they