Go West Young Man


Egill’s Icelandic tour group, guests of the Icelanders of Victoria.

I have the greatest admiration for the settlers who came from Iceland during the 1870s into the early 1900s. These people risked everything. Many paid with their lives. They came because they wanted better lives, more opportunity and, above all, land. The Icelanders were not the only ones leaving behind an old life to risk a new one. People were coming from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, England, Scotland. Later, in the 1890s, the East Europeans would begin to flood into Western Canada.

When Horace Greeley, the 1871 editor of the New York Times, was asked by a young man working at the paper what he should do, he said that anyone who had to earn a living should go where workers are needed and wanted, where they will be hired because they

No Climate Change, Nosiree


tucson4Photo: Dennis Anderson. Dennis and Nina’s back yard. No, not Whitehorse. Tucson, Arizona.

My friends, Dennis Anderson and Nina Lee Colwill, go to Tucson every winter to escape from -42 with-a-windchill Manitoba for a few months. Most of the time the narrative that returns via email is one of blue skies, warm winds, flowers, sunshine. The pictures are delicious. The cacti look good enough to eat.


Photo” Dennis Anderson. Yup, that’s a cactus with snow falling on it.

This year it was different. This is the year that will send orange prices so high that you will hold your children in your arms and say to them,